Monday, August 16, 2010

Gary Numan On Meeting the Minimoog

Here's an excerpt from a very recent (July 2010) Rolling Stone interview with Gary Numan, in which he tells the story of how he met the Minimoog-- and how that changed everything. This is as funny as it wonderful.

Read the full Rolling Stone interview here:

Meeting the Minimoog Portion of interview:

"I remember it clearly. I had been sent to a studio by [my label] Beggars to record my first album. It was going to be a punk album and we were going to play the songs live. But as soon as I walked into the control room, there was a mini Moog. I had never seen one before. I just thought it was the coolest looking thing, just fantastic. Quite, quite small.

Apparently, a company was going to come pick it up but the man said I could try it out until they came to collect it but they never turned up! I had this thing for the whole day and it was the most amazing experience. Very luckily, it had been left on that sound which had become famous: a huge big bottom bass roar. It was just huge. I didn't know how to set it up. All I did was press a key and the room shook! And I just thought, "Fuck me! That's the most amazing thing I've ever heard! The power!" Imagine, if the sound had been something that went ping!, I would've thought, "This is rubbish" and none of this success would've ever happened to me. So much of this was luck."

1 comment:

  1. More! inb4 "Where is the industrial drum tutorial?"

    Where is the industrial drum tutorial?

    Take your time. The more you have for it the better. ;)
