Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best Software Instrument Just Got Better: REAKTOR 5.5


This is, for me, the most exciting computer-music news in a long time: seemingly out of nowhere (to me, anyway) Native Instruments has released a public beta of REAKTOR 5.5. And it's a big, big update: it sports a totally remade GUI that now perfectly matches the GUI of sister products Maschine and Kontakt, an amazing new ensemble called Lazerbass, two new sound modules (one for additive synthesis, which Lazerbass is built around, and one for physical modeling) and a slew of other smaller improvements...I downloaded the beta the moment I heard about it and I am, I must say, very impressed and absurdly excited. While the forum moaners moan endlessly about how this means Reaktor 6 is further away then they thought, I'll be adoring this sleek new GUI and getting back to work on some unfinished ensembles...

It's a free download for any Reaktor 5 owners and can be found via the links in this official NI post.

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