Monday, May 24, 2010

Reason 5 Announced!

Go look here:

I've been using Reason since version 2, that is to say, for many years. In fact, way back in the day, I made all of my music via a combination of CoolEdit Pro and Reason 2, building sequences in the latter and exporting them for editing and arrangement in the former. These days, I use Reason 4 solely as a huge instrument rack, with each instrument unit ReWired into Ableton Live. That is, I bypass entirely the nice but very limited (e.g. no 3rd party plugins allowed) Reason sequencer and just wire up its instruments on channels inside Live. It's proved a very effective and powerful tool, because Reason has a ton of stuff I really like, most notably the NNXT sampler, THOR and MALSTROM synths, and some of the FX like the Scream distortion unit.

So, given all that, I'm quite psyched about the announcement of Reason 5. The first unveiling has shown a beefed-up Dr.Rex, now Dr. OctoRex, which as the name implies can load 8 separate rex files and lets you jump between them; there's some pretty cool potential there. I'm expecting some much bigger revelations in the coming days, though.

You can also sign up for beta-testing over at the propellerhead website.

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